
Happy Sunday everyone! I hope all is well. I continue to see financial innovation in the digital economy.  I love that. But I am not seeing as much innovation that changes the financing landscape for Main Street businesses. Why is that?

It seems to me that the folks innovating in the capital space - capital entrepreneurs, if you will - are mainly focused on software and tech, and providing debt or debt-like products to de-risked companies in need of capital that should not carry an equity price tag. I get it; it’s sexy and fun to attack this market. But what about the donut shop down the street, or the neighborhood florist, or the cool restaurant I recently ran across renting games to its patrons? Has the capital landscape changed for these businesses? Does it need to? 

I could very well be misinformed or out of the loop, but I think the answer to the first question might be no, and that the answer to the second question is probably yes. So I’m asking you all: who is deploying new capital tools to Main Street today? Who is innovating? Who can we highlight here? Who can we learn from and support? 

So here’s my ask: Can you help me meet the folks starting new capital businesses for Main Street so that I can feature them here, so that we can learn from them, and perhaps so that we, as a community, can help them grow? If so, reply to me and let me know who I should connect with.