Dear friends,

Hello from the middle of the country, where we are sheltered-in-place and, thankfully, healthy. It’s been difficult to spend much time writing the newsletter and collecting articles to share lately while trying to juggle competing priorities - managing a business from home, running a school and a full-time kitchen. I’m sorry about that, but I feel comfort knowing many of you are in the same boat. Today’s edition is a bit streamlined (you’re welcome for that).

A few weeks ago I suggested that we would do a webinar on COVID-19 and how we, as a community of investors and fund managers, are managing it. It occurred to me that there are several versions of this same webinar happening on a daily basis, and that I’m not sure I have much to add to the conversation, as we are all hearing and doing the same things.  We all urge our companies to preserve cash, do what they can to live to fight on after this crisis passes.  We advise them to identify capital sources they can tap and then to execute quickly, protect their customer bases and revenue streams, make tough decisions now and not later, etc. 

I don’t have any new insights to share, nothing that’s going to knock your socks off. So I’ve decided to shelve that idea for now and just get back to what I was doing: spread the knowledge by featuring our colleagues’ articles and blogs, and connect us all with webinars featuring an investor with a different thesis as often as possible. To that end, here’s a return to normalcy. I want to ask you to do a couple of things for the community:  

  • Join me for the May 19 Speaker Series Webinar with Kim Folsom from Founders First Capital Partners

  • Sign up for the Revenue Based Finance Network Facebook Page

  • Read about RBFN in the news

  • Share your relevant content for the next newsletter