Happy Sunday, everyone.

At Novel we recently completed our 20th investment, which was a milestone we took a moment to celebrate. I have to admit that I am not very good at taking stock of those moments, of stopping to appreciate them. There is always the next thing to do, so stopping to soak it in feels a little like delaying the inevitable. But when I do stop to reflect, I have to tell you that the feeling of gratitude is overwhelming. 

As I’ve thought about this over the past couple of weeks, it strikes me that we’ve had a real impact. We’ve had the opportunity and privilege to invest in businesses and entrepreneurs who are building sustainable companies in edtech, healthcare, and other verticals. We’ve helped those companies hire new team members, brainstormed ways to accelerate their growth, and helped them implement new ideas to improve their businesses. 

Along the way, we’ve built an incredible team of our own - a team dedicated to helping entrepreneurs fund their growth in a way that builds sustainable, lasting companies. 

Collectively, we are all doing something incredibly important: giving entrepreneurs choice and opportunity. Thanks to all of you for doing this work and for doing what you do. Keep building, and keep making your dent.